Sunday, January 27, 2013


Sometimes I feel that ppl think stuff doesn't bother me. Honestly jus because I may seem like things are ok they really aren't. I may home around, laugh, play and have fun but deep down inside I will always know that my 4 year old daughter has cancer! Alot of ppl tell me that they are here for me but they really don't kno  that pain that I actually go through. My daughter is very different from other kids. Her skin peels, her eyes are dark and she has no hair. How do u explain all of this to a 4 year old?????? My daughter can't be her self because she might get sick out kids might treat her differently. I'm terrified to bring her around other kids Cuz I don't want her made fun of, I worry all the time. MY DAUGHTER IS STILL BEAUTIFUL AND I AM PROUD OF HER!