Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Everything seems to be Goin good and on schedule but.... Its jus tiring me out. Chemo appointment on mondays, blood count work on thursdays, she has to get shots every other week by US! This whole process is extremely stressful but I try to make the best out of it. Christmas is coming up and I want this to be the best christmas ever for Isyss. She been through too much and I jus feel like we kinda need to give it to her. Through everything she's been nothing but good, she only cries wen ever she sees needles which is kinda understandable despite everything she been through.Isyss has been reacting good to the chemo, idk if I wrote this in my last post but her hands and feet are starting to get darker because of the medicine. I wish there was something to make it better but its ok. As long as my princess is fine then im fine. She goes for her MRI and pt scan next month and its kinda nerve wrecking. Im extremely nervous and excited at the same time. But I have faith and I kno things are gettin better